Sunday, January 19, 2014


This week the temperature has been way below zero - in around -20 to -25 degrees. One day I did a short walk on freezing -23ºc, but it was totally worth it. Here are some pictures below!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Home sweet home

21st of December I finished my EVS project in Slovenia and got back home in Finland.

It was quite sad to leave Slovenia after spending there a whole year and getting to know the culture, country and wonderful people with who we had really great time.. But at the same time, of course it's wonderful to get back home, especially when it's Christmas time. <3

So, sLOVEnia, for sure I will miss you all! Let's keep in touch, and maybe we will meet again some day - se vidimo ;)

Merry Christmas, Vesel Božič and Hyvää Joulua!

PS. I will update at least few more things on my blog before I stop writing it, so from time to time, check it out :) Maybe also some things about returning back from the long journey - how is it to be back in Finland, what did I learn and how did it all change me?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Independence Day

6th December 1917 Finland got independent.

Happy 96th Independence Day, Finland!

 And this is how we celebrate it: 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

10 Things About Living Abroad: No Turning Back

On Facebook I noticed an article about living abroad (or traveling for longer period). It had really good points and I agreed with many things of the text. No need to explain more, here is the start, and below you can open the link for the rest of the text. 
"Moving around the world teaches you many things. It isn’t for everyone. It takes a special type of person to be able to do what we do. Packing up all your things into two carry-on bags and two checked pieces of luggage is struggles in itself, and to generalize imagine being a woman! I could only bring 10 pairs of shoes! Your mother will go through that luggage and make you narrow it down to seven cardigans instead of 17 and she will remind you that those shorts still don’t fit and haven’t fit for 3 years, you should probably just let them go. Along with letting those shorts go you are also letting go of friendships, relationships, comfort.
A wise man told me that the reason we move to new countries is because we are either running from or running to something. I laughed and thought he was crazy. I just wanted a change; there was no rationale to my choice. The more I thought about it, the more I realized he was right. I wasn’t just running from something, I was sprinting as far as I could. What I didn’t realize was that this choice has now started the foundation of my future. Just like a tattoo, that first little taste and you want more and more. No turning back."
Check out the 10 things about living abroad from this link.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


This weekend we went hiking in Jesenice - Hruški vrh 1 776m and Dovška Baba 1 891m. Our crew was Finno-Ugric: Balázs and Judit from Hungary and me as a Finn.

On the morning we arrived to the train station of Jesenice, bought some food from the market and continued the way to the start of a walking path called Stara Rudna pot. On this summer my Hungarian friends participated in a working camp there, cleaning the path and streams, digging ways for water to flow down.
On Jesenice train station we also saw an old steam train - wow! 
Jesenice is located on the border of Austria and Slovenia, so a part of the way we were walking in Austria's side. So, hehe, now I can say that I've been in Austria. Or even better, hiking in Austria ;-)

This is Austriaaaaa!
On this hike we reached two peaks - Hruški vrh 1 776m and Dovška Baba 1 891m on the Karawanken Alps.

On the border there is just a small, broken fence... And a great view!

On the way down we stopped by a hut (unfortunately it wasn't open) for a lunch which we had with us
On the way down it was already getting quite late, so we missed the last bus to Ljubljana. But no worries - hitchhiking was successful and we got to a train station of Lesce-Bled and caught the last train.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Mali Golak part 2

On Sunday we went hiking on Mali Golak for the second time. Previous one was around April, when there was still plenty of snow and the weather was so foggy that we didn't see further than 5 metres on the top! Now we were luckier, on the morning the weather was a bit rainy but sky got quite clear while we were walking up so the view was great! It was possible to see all the way till the sea. It was only a bit shame that we didn't see the Alps properly - there were a bit more clouds on that direction.

As also on the previous time, we started from Predmeja. This time we chose a different way up, but went back the way which goes by the cottage.